Woman Owned Small Business


Celebrating National Women’s Small Business Month!


National Women’s Small Business Month takes place each year during the month of October. This is a time to recognize the myriad achievements of our country’s female entrepreneurs and the positive impact they are making on jobs and the economy.

And what better business to celebrate than 


We have a majority of women-owned studios and our Upper West Side location is 100% woman-owned!

Did you know that as recently as 1988 some states still required a woman to get a male relative to cosign for a business loan?  In the past 30 years, the number of women-owned businesses in the United States has soared to nearly 13 million. In fact, according to the 2019 State of Woman-Owned Businesses Report, women are starting businesses at a rate double the national average, with women of color comprising the majority, making them the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs.  

Supporting women in small businesses also inspires young women in powerful ways. When they see other women succeeding, they’re motivated to succeed, too! In 2012, 44 percent of women small business owners also had children under the age of 18 in their households. That means, by supporting women-owned businesses, you’re also supporting families!!

Like any small business, the benefits to a community are enormous. Locally owned small businesses bring revenue to communities. Small companies are more likely to support local organizations, schools, and projects. They also provide a tremendous number of jobs, keeping local economies going and growing.

This month, I would like to take the opportunity to sincerely THANK YOU for supporting my Color Me Mine Pottery Painting Studio in the Upper West Side.  We opened the studio in 2019 and were open only eight weeks before having to close again for the worldwide pandemic. I am extremely proud of having survived such a difficult time and still being here today. You have supported us and allowed us to bring a fun, creative outlet to the New York community while also allowing us to keep our staff employed.

With gratitude,

Claudia Martinez Azzara
